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Statements from users

What do users say about the materials and products on the TRAP UP webplatform?

“Guide: Manageable, easy to start off – find out what to focus on.” (Danish teacher)

“Acoustics: I learned the most about acoustics; for example new concepts and how can I find out about acoustics.” (Finnish teacher)

“I think the guide is good and would have liked to have had it earlier. I think it's good that you can make a difference for hearing-impaired pupils with small adjustments.” (Germany, teacher)

“I found the seating arrangements and the lighting particularly exciting. The counselling teachers take care of the topic of hearing technology, but it is already clear to me that I have to make sure that the pupil wears his hearing aids.” (German teacher)

“What was new for me was the interpreting services, I hadn't known anything about that. It was helpful to see what the possibilities are.“ (German teacher)

“Interpretation services: This was really new and important information” (Finnish teacher)

“Through your materials I have thought of everything else I could have done, and I admit that they would have been a great help, even morally, and would also have helped me understand the situation better when I felt that I was giving too little to both the pupil and the rest of the class.” (Slovenian teacher, primary school)

“(With the help of the Checklist) I realized we could improve some things in this area. I talked to my superior and suggested some minor improvements.” (Slovenia, teacher)

“The instructions on how to arrange the classroom helped the most for the pupil. Illustration in decibels of the importance of proximity to the teacher. How the volume of speech decreases as the teacher moves away.” (Slovenian teacher)

“Things were quickly checked. The checklist was really good.” (Finnish, teacher)

“Totally good overview – easy to use.” (Danish teacher)

“We decided to move into a new classroom (that was empty) to try using all the suggestions from this material.” (Danish teacher)

“We knew much of it beforehand from a (physical) course. But it is good as a reminder.” (Danish teacher)

“The guide was easy to understand. Everything was well put together.” (Finnish teacher)

“It was really important and clear. The checklist was informative.” (Finnish, teacher)

“The knowledge gained from this course is important for the education of all children, also those who do not have a hearing loss. Everyone benefits from it.” (German teacher, mainstream school)

“Before taken the course, I might have repeated words or questions too quickly and tried to satisfy the pupil right away. Now I always wait and ask him what he has heard and then supplement or repeat what is needed. I have noticed that most of the time he is able to repeat what he has heard very well.” (Slovenian teacher, mainstream school)

“Paying special attention to emphasising certain syllables or small words that are often swallowed, like "of" or "on" - it wasn't really new, but it made me pay special attention to it.” (German teacher, mainstream school)

“I can also see a great advantage in this course being conducted by the individual teacher together with the local speech and hearing therapist. This would provide an excellent basis for good and concrete discussions.” (Danish speech, language and hearing therapist)

“It gave me new insights and now I know better how to help my pupils with social inclusion. I got really good tips.  Now I have also tried to teach my pupil to ask for repetition if he hasn't heard or understood something.” (Finnish teacher, mainstream school)

“With the last video talking about how it can be difficult for a student with hearing loss to pass on their own turn in conversation or continue the discussion. Maybe I've noticed that my student listens to other pupils, but still very much speaks and makes his own case. He talks a lot about his own things.” (Finnish teacher, mainstream school)


“Increased awareness of hearing and behaviour: Conspicuous behaviour can be attributed to hearing loss and this can explain certain behavioural patterns.” (German teacher)


“The student book is great for learning German Sign Language, DGS. I have watched the videos on the internet and find it very difficult to learn International Sign Language.” (German teacher at special school)

“The student book is magnificently visualized, very motivating and one hundred percent suitable for learning German Sign Language” (German teacher at special school)

“Preschool children were motivated to guess the meaning of the illustrated signs.” (German teacher)

“The materials enrich both languages. A hard-of-hearing boy is teaching his siblings and parents new signs, and his parents are overjoyed.” (Slovenian teacher at special school)

“Some practice their first signs and the basics of the Slovenian language, others revise grammatical rules.” (Slovenian teacher at special school)

“It's obvious to use online teaching when I teach Danish sign language to Ukrainians. I work in Søborg and I teach in South of Zealand. It's a waste of resources.”

“You can save many kilometres, even just within the city of Aarhus, when you have to council adults around the pupil”

“Great videos”

“Wow! The digital classroom is smart”

“When municipalities say that it is expensive to give students sign language lessons, this can at least solve something. The price can no longer be an argument, if you can gather some students and do it online”

“We have a child with very limited spoken language. It is difficult to find schools where signs are used - except for retarded children. Online model can be inspiring.”

„I find the video with the environmental conditions the best.“

„The checklist for implementation is clearly laid out and is good as a guide within the classroom.“

„Despite a wide range of personal experience in online teaching, the videos revisit all important elements with their clear design.“